Before you build, you need to know what you’re building on or in, and how will it affect the structure.
A soil suitability test typically involves sampling the shallow and deep soil below and around the planned construction area to evaluate forengineering characteristics.
Our soil subsurface exploration & testing services include:
Soil Testing
Building a new House? Performing soil testing is essential to understand what lies beneath the surface, and most importantly how strong is it. Soil testing generally involves the identifications of the various soil types according to either the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) or the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) through either shallow or deep soil borings.
Groundwater Level
The depth of groundwater, such as the seasonal high water table is a critical factor in the design of any structure. The installation and monitoring of piezometers can provide the key data necessary for your design or structure.
Depth to Bedrock
The depth to bedrock can vary drastically across Florida, ranging from at the surface to depths of several hundred feet. Shallow or deep borings are advanced through the overlying soil to determine the depth and type of bedrock at your property or site.
Water Infiltration Rate
The infiltration rate of soil is an essential piece of information with a variety of uses rangingfrom the design of a large-scale retention/detention pond to a simple septic system. Different Infiltration rate test methods area available depending on your needs, ranging from a simple test trench to a single or double-ring infiltrometer.
FGE’s team of geologists and engineers have experience drilling at 1000s of properties throughout Florida and the Caribbean.