Forensic Investigation

Florida Geotechnical Engineering provides forensic investigations for all of our service areas. Forensic engineering involves the investigation of materials, products, structures or components that fail or do not operate or function as intended, causing personal injury or damage to property.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhether it is a structural defect/issue, a stormwater system malfunction, a geotechnical or geological issue, or an environmental contamination concern, we have the personnel and experience to determine the root cause of the problem and can develop the remediation alternatives that will correct the issue.

FGE is often called upon to examine existing construction that is experiencing failure of one or more parts of a structure to determine the extent of the damage as well as to recommend corrective actions. This type of work is typically conducted for insurance companies, property owners, developers or legal staff. Our team is adept at reviewing all elements of the construction activity from the foundation and the soil property/mechanics LEGAL & INSURANCE SUPPORT_forensic investigation_03supporting it, to the walls, columns and roof and their respective structural members. These structural elements can all be assessed to determine if they are being constructed per, or operating to, their respective engineering design, industry accepted practices and/or local building codes.

Florida Geotechnical Engineering also brings many years of experience in the investigation and root-cause analyses for assessment of petroleum or hazardous material contamination in soils and groundwater. Our company’s roots are founded in environmental assessment and remediation of contamination from fuel disbursement systems including underground tanks, piping, dispensers, etc. We have worked with the Florida Department of Environmental Protections (FDEP) state-funded pre-approval program for petroleum remediation projects since the program’s inception.

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