Subsidence Investigation

FGE’s professional engineers and geologists have preformed thousands of subsidence investigations at residential, commercial, and industrial properties throughout Florida.

The typical subsidence investigation includes a thorough review and documentation of damages and site conditions. The damages are observed for patterns and severity to determine where settlement has occurred. SUBSIDENCE_subsidence investigation_01 Additionally, a floor elevation survey is performed to create a topographic, contoured map of the slab(s) throughout the residence. While there is always variation in concrete slabs during construction, the floor elevation survey is very important in determining any areas affected by settlement.

Along with the physical, above ground assessments, a thorough geologic and geotechnical evaluation will be preformed. The geological and geotechnical evaluations include a geophysical survey, hand auger borings, test pit excavations, standard penetration test borings, and laboratory testing (when required). The geophysical survey is either a ground penetrating radar survey or an electrical resistivity imaging survey, depending on the shallow soils. The geophysical survey will find anomalous SUBSIDENCE_subsidence investigation_02areas within the subsurface that require more attention. Hand auger borings are performed in conjunction with hand cone penetrometers to evaluate the shallow, subsurface soils composition and relative densities/consistencies. The test pit excavations are performed to establish the type, construction, and depth of embedment of the foundation(s) of the residence.

All of the results from the afore listed tests and observations are compiled to determine which areas of the site need additional testing. Standard penetration test (SPT) borings are completed in the most pertinent areas of the site to investigate the subsurface from land surface to the competent bedrock. The SPT borings provide a subsidence investigationrepresentative picture of the subsurface soil layers and relative densities/consistencies throughout the site. They are evaluated by FGE’s professional engineers and geologists to determine whether or not sinkhole activity is present at the residence and is a possible cause of damage within a reasonable professional probability. In the event that sinkhole activity is present at the site and is effecting the residence in the form of differential settlement, a remedial recommendation will be provided based on the site’s geological profile and conditions.

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